Welcome to the Chair of Applied Macroeconomics


The blog of the chair offers some insights in our and the students work. 

Blog link


April 25, 2022

Workshop on „Short-time work in economic crises“ on May 13, 2022 (virtual). The program is here. Anyone interested is welcome to register and join.


April 13, 2022

The "Gemeinschaftsdiagnose" of spring 2022 in cooperation with Britta Gehrke was published. It contains an analysis of the future development of the global economy and the German economy and also considers a short-term scenario without Russian energy supplies.

Von der Pandemie zur Energiekrise – Wirtschaft und Politik im Dauerstress


March 18, 2022

During the summer term of 2022, Prof. Joep Lustenhouwer will head the Chair of Applied Macroeconomics on a deputy basis. We are looking forward to it! You can find more information about Prof. Lustenhouwer here.


February 8, 2022

The Chair of Applied Macroeconomics participates in the Center for Behavioural Studies. We want to understand how individual behaviour affects the macroeconomic level and the effectiveness of business cycle policy. More information, can be found here.


October 14, 2021

The "Gemeinschaftsdiagnose" of autumn 2021 in collaboration with Britta Gehrke has been published. It contains an analysis about the future devolopment of the world's economy as well as the German economy.

"Krise wird allmählich überwunden – Handeln an geringerem Wachstum ausrichten"


October 4, 2021

We are happy to announce that the paper “Post-merger restructuring of the labor force“ by Britta Gehrke, Ernst Maug, Stefan Obernberger and Christoph Schneider has been awarded the Best Paper Award 2021 of the German Finance Association (DGF).

“Post-merger restructuring of the labor force“


August 16, 2021

During the winter term 2021/22 the Chair for Applied Macroeconomics offers a seminar on the topic "Impact of the Corona-pandamic on the German economy". Please find all relevant information in StudIP.


May 12, 2021

A new working paper by Britta Gehrke an co-authors about the effects of short-time work on aggregate demand is now available.

"Short-Time Work and Precautionary Savings"


April 15, 2021

The "Gemeinschaftsdiagnose" of spring 2021 in collaboration with Britta Gehrke has been published. It contains an analysis about the future devolopment of the world's economy as well as the German economy.

"Pandemie verzögert Aufschwung – Demografie bremst Wachstum"


April 1, 2021

During the summer term 2021 the chair offers a masters semiar on fiscal- and labour market policies in recessions. All information and the application are available in StudIP.