Friday, June 30, 2017
17.00 Public Lecture “Reclaiming Virtue Ethics for Economics” Robert Sugden
18.30 BBQ
Saturday, July 1, 2017
9.00 Welcome
9.15 Uskali Mäki: “What is it for modelling to succeed - and to fail?”
10.15 Ioannis Votsis: "Philosophical Debates about Models: What are they Good for?"
11.15 Coffee Break
11.45 Aki Lehtinen: ”Model selection in macroeconomics: DSGE and ad hocness”
12.45 Lunch Break
14.00 James Nguyen: “Mathematics is not the only language in the book of nature”
15.00 Philippe van Basshuysen: “Making sense of game theoretic models”
16.15 Coffee Break
16.45 Philipp Wichardt: "Models and Experiments – Case-Studies on Equal Footing?"
19.00 Dinner in Warnemünde at Parkhotel Hübner
21.00 Beer and Icecream on the Beach
Sunday, July 2, 2017
10.30 Robert Sugden: “Reciprocity as mutual benefit’ “
11.30 Coffee Break
12.00 Francesco Guala: “Institutions and belief-less coordination”
13.00 Lunch Break
14.00 Caterina Marchionni: “What is mechanistic evidence, and why do we need it for policy?”
15.00 Conclusion
19.00 Voluntary dinner at “Carlos”
More details will follow