Prof. Dr. Philipp Wichardt
Chair of Microeconomics
Department of Economics
University of Rostock
room 106
Ulmenstraße 69
D-18057 Rostock
Phone: +49-381-498 44 86
Fax: +49-381-498 43 41
email: philipp(dot)wichardt(at)uni-rostock(dot)de
Office hours: on appointment
12/2006 Dr. rer. pol./PhD in Economics, University of Bonn
2002 - 2006 PhD-Student at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics
2004 - 2005 Visiting PhD Student at the University of Zürich
2003 - 2004 Visiting PhD Student at University College London
06/2002 M.Sc. in Economics, Lund University
05/2000 Vordiplom Volkswirtschaftslehre (~ B.Sc. Economics), University of Kiel
04/1997 Vordiplom Mathematik (~B.Sc. Mathematics), University of Bonn
Ein ultrakurzer Test zur Erfassung von Sensation Seeking: Psychometrische Evaluation der deutschen Version der Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-4) [An ultra-short instrument to assess sensation seeking: Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-4)]. Joint with Fynn Kemper, Sascha Müller and Carsten Spitzer. Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie, (accepted for publication).
Mine or Our? Unintended Framing Effects in Dictator Games. Joint with Andreas Bergh. Rationality and Society, 2022, Vol. 34, pp. 78-95,
Inequity Aversion, Welfare Measurement and the Gini Index. Joint with Ulrich Schmidt. Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, Vol. 52,pp.585–588,
Accounting for context: Separating monetary and (uncertain) social incentives. Joint with Andreas Bergh. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2018, Vol. 72, pp. 61-66,
Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes in the Lab: Task or Ask? An Empirical Comparison, joint with Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Markku Verkasalo, Gari Walkowitz, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, Vol. 119, pp. 254-266,
Minimum Participation Rules for the Provision of Public Goods, joint with Anke Gerber and Jakob Neitzel, European Economic Review, 2013, Vol. 64, pp. 209-222,
Personal Values and Pro-Social Behaviour in Strategic Interactions: Distinguishing Value-Expressive from Value-Ambivalent Behaviours, joint with Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Markku Verkasalo and Gari Walkowitz, European Journal of Social Psychology, 2013, Vol. 43, pp. 554-569,
On the Private Provision of Intertemporal Public Goods with Stock Effects, joint with Anke Gerber, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2013, Vol. 55, pp. 245-255,
On the Belief (In-)Dependence of Sequential Equilibria, joint with Hans Carlsson, Economics Letters, 2012, Vol. 115, pp. 504-507,
Norms, Cognitive Dissonance, and Cooperative Behaviour in Laboratory Experiments, International Journal of Social Economics, 2012, Vol. 115, pp. 111-113,
How Burning Money Requires a Lot of Rationality To Be Effective, joint with Christian Seel, Economics Letters, 2012, Vol. 115, pp. 111-113,
Existence of Valuation Equilibria When Equilibrium Strategies Cannot Differentiate Between Equal Ties, Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, Vol. 74, pp. 709-713,
Situational Power Moderates the Inuence of Self-Transcendence vs. Self-Enhancement Values on Behavior in Ultimatum Bargaining, joint with Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Gari Walkowitz and Markku Verkasalo, Journal of Research in Personality, 2011, Vol. 45, pp. 336-339,
Why Not Sell Lottery Tickets in a Pharmacy: On Conflicting Product Features and Consumer Choice, joint with Daniel Müller, Applied Economics Letters, 2011, Vol. 18, pp. 1491-1495
Overconfidence Can Improve and Agent's Relative and Absolute Performance in Contests, joint with Sandra Ludwig and Hanke Wickhorst, Economics Letters, 2011, Vol. 110, pp. 193-196,
Personality Disorder Categories as Combinations of Dimensions: Translating Cooperative Behaviour in Borderline Personality Disorder Into the Five-Factor Framework, joint with Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Gari Walkowitz and Markku Verkasalo, Journal of Personality Disorders, 2012, Vol. 26, pp. 298-304,
Identity, Utility and Cooperative Behaviour - An Evolutionary Perspective, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2011, Vol. 113, pp. 418-443,
Modelling Equilibrium Play As Governed by Analogy and Limited Foresight, Games and Economic Behavior, 2010, Vol. 70, pp. 472-487,
Finite-Order Beliefs and Welfare-Enhancing Instruments in the Centipede Game, joint with Anke Gerber, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010, Vol. 74, pp. 123-136,
Participation Costs for Responders Can Reduce Rejection Rates in Ultimatum Bargaining, joint with Patrick Schmitz and Daniel Schunk, Economics Letters, 2009, Vol. 103, pp. 33-35,
A Status Based Motivation for Behavioural Altruism, International Journal of Social Economics, 2009, Vol. 36, pp. 869-887,
Providing Public Goods in the Absence of Strong Institutions, joint with Anke Gerber, Journal of Public Economics, 2009, Vol. 93, pp. 429-439,; see also University of Bonn press release (3.11.2008),
The Moderating Effect of Conformism Values on the Relations between Other Personal Values, Social Norms, Moral Obligation, and Single Altruistic Behaviors, joint with Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Gari Walkowitz, Marjaana Lindeman and Markku Verkasalo, British Journal of Social Psychology, 2009, Vol. 48, pp. 525-546,; University of Bonn press release (03.08.2009)
Existence of Nash Equilibria in Finite Extensive Form Games with Imperfect Recall: A Counterexample, Games and Economic Behavior, 2008, Vol. 63/1, pp. 366-369,
Identity and Why We Cooperate With Those We Do, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2008, Vol. 29/2, pp. 127-139,
Modelling Semantic Change as Equilibrium Shift in a Signalling Game, joint with Bernhard Schröder, in A. Benz, C. Ebert, and R. van Rooij (eds.), Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2007 Workshop on Language, Games, and Evolution, pp. 69-75,
Book Review: ”Playing for Real," by Ken Binmore, Journal of Economics, 2008, Vol. 93/3, pp. 317-319,
An Economic Sociological Look at Economics, joint with Patrik Aspers, Sebastian Kohl and Jesper Roine, Economic Sociology - The European Electronic Newsletter, 2008, Vol. 9, pp. 5-15,
"Dysfunktionale Interaktion bei Veränderungsprozessen vermeiden - Ideen für ein gutes Miteinander" forthcoming Backstein Special Edition 2023 (preliminary pdf of German version here; English to follow)
Expert's answer "Wie ist es möglich, dass man einen Text laut vorliest, gleichzeitig aber an etwas ganz anderes denkt?", Readers Digest, June 2023 (pdf in German - with the consent of Readers Digest)
Selbstbestrafung als Druckmittel im Klimawandel, die, Tagebuch, Eintrag 19.11.2008