Rostock student honored: Bundesbank awards science prize to Stefan Wilhelm

In his master's thesis "Short-Time Work at the Zero Lower Bound," Stefan Wilhelm, a graduate of the master's program in economics at the University of Rostock, studied the interactions between the labor market and monetary policy at the zero lower bound, taking into account the labor market policy instrument of short-time work. For this work, he has now received one of the four academic awards for outstanding dissertations and theses in 2022 from the Deutsche Bundesbank, Head Office in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. We extend our warmest congratulations!

For more Informations klick here.

Job advertisement

The Chair of Money and Credit is looking for a part-time research assistant for 30 hours/week, limited for 3 years, starting 01.04.2023.

Further information can be found here.

Narrative Economics: Europe as "Transfer Union" or "Risk Community"?

Which economic narratives about the EU dominate the political debate in Germany? Doris Neuberger and Edoardo Beretta expose the narrative of a "transfer union" as misguided and suggest more appropriate alternatives: Fiscal Equalization, Fiscal Union, Stability Union, or Risk Community (risk sharing and insurance nature in the foreground).,


Ausschreibung von Preisen für Dissertationen und Abschlussarbeiten 2024

Die Hauptverwaltung in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Schleswig-Holstein schreibt jährlich Preise für hervorragende Dissertationen und Abschlussarbeiten (Diplomarbeiten oder Masterarbeiten) aus, die volks- oder betriebswirtschaftliche Fragen mit Bezug zu den Aufgabenfeldern einer Zentralbank behandeln, beispielsweise aus den Bereichen Europäische Währungsunion, Geldpolitik, monetäre Außenwirtschaft, öffentliche Finanzen, Konjunktur und Wachstum, Banken, Finanzmärkte oder Finanzstabilität.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

The War on Cash

In "The War on Cash: Institutional Hostility and Covid-19", we argue that cash has been unjustifiably accused of facilitating illicit transactions; the Covid‐​19 pandemic has been misused to push individuals away from banknotes and coins; and cash is even more welfare enhancing in troubled economic times. After a review of “instruments of convincement” used before the current pandemic, we show that since the pandemic hostility to cash has continued. We conclude by explaining why cash remains essential.


Building Inclusive Financial Systems

The paper "Building an Inclusive Financial System" with contributions by Doris Neuberger in the Global Inclusive Financial Systems Working Group of the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program has been published. It highlights four key factors for redesigning financial systems to achieve equitable and long-term financial security for people and small businesses.



DAS SYSTEM MLP: Wie sich der Finanzvermittler MLP über Karrierezentren, Institute und Fachschaften Kontakt zu Studierenden verschafft  -  und sie in fragwürdige Verkaufsgespräche lockt.


"Coronabonds als Versicherung – aber mit Rückversicherung"

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