Education Economics
Articles in Peer Revied Journals
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2015): „Quality of Education and the Number of Students: A General-Equilibrium Analysis“, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 171(3), S. 456-477.
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2014): „Financing Higher Education in a Mobile World“, Journal of Public Economic Theory 16(3), S. 343–371.
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2008): „The Provision of Higher Education in a Global World – Analysis and Policy Implications“, CESifo Economic Studies 54, S. 248-276.
Working Papers
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2012): „Financing Higher Education in a Mobile World“, CESifo Working Paper 3849. (Download)
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2011): „Quality of Education and the Number of Students: A General-Equilibrium Analysis“, CESifo Working Paper.
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2009): „Vertical differentiation in the quality of higher education when students are mobile“, Working Paper.
- Demange, Gabrielle, Robert Fenge, Silke Übelmesser (2008): „Financing Higher Education and Labor Mobility“, CESifo Working Paper 2362. (Download)
Family Economics
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker(2010): „Mixing Bismarck and child pensions: an optimal taxation approach”, Journal of Population Economics 23, S. 805-823.
- Fenge, Robert, Volker Meier(2009): „Are family allowances and fertility-related pensions perfect substitutes?”, International Tax and Public Finance 2, S. 137-163.
Policy Articles
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2006): „Der Rentengewinn der Generation Enkellos“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20. April 2006. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2006): „Generation Enkellos und Rentenbeitragsrabatt für Eltern“ (mit Jakob von Weizsäcker), ifo Schnelldienst 5, S. 11-18. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Wolfgang Ochel (2001): „Die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf: der Schlüssel für eine kinderreiche Gesellschaft", ifo Schnelldienst 12, S.17-29. (Download)
Working Papers
- Fenge, Robert, Lisa Stadler (2014): „Three Family Policies to Reconcile Fertility and Labor Supply”, CESifo Working Paper 4922 (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Beatrice Scheubel (2014): „Pensions and fertility: back to the roots - The introduction of Bismarck's pension scheme and the European fertility decline”, European Central Bank Working Paper 1734 (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2006): „Mixing Bismarck and child pensions: an optimal taxation approach”, CESifo Working Paper 1751 (Download)
Fiscal Federalism
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Fenge, Robert, Matthias Wrede (2007): „EU Financing and Regional Policy: Vertical Fiscal Externalities when Capital is Mobile”, Finanzarchiv 63, S. 457-476.
- Fenge, Robert, Volker Meier (2002): „Why cities should not be subsidized", Journal of Urban Economics52, S. 433-447.
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2001): „How Much Fiscal Equalization? A Constitutional Approach", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 157, S. 623-633.
- Fenge, Robert, Parsche, Rüdiger et al. (2001): Anpassung und Fortentwicklung des kommunalen Finanzausgleichs im Saarland, Ifo Forschungsberichte, München.
- Baretti, Christian, Robert Fenge, Bernd Huber, Willi Leibfritz, Matthias Steinherr (2000): Chancen und Grenzen föderalen Wettbewerbs, ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Bd. 1, München.
Working Papers
- Fenge, Robert, Volker Meier (2006): „Subsidies for wages and infrastructure: How to restrain undesired immigration”, CESifo Working Paper 1741. (Download)
Regional Economics
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Fenge, Robert, Max v. Ehrlich, Matthias Wrede (2009):„Public Input Competition and Agglomeration”, Regional Science and Urban Economics 39, S. 621-631.
- Eggert, Wolfgang, Robert Fenge, Günther König, Max v. Ehrlich (2007):„Konvergenz- und Wachstumseffekte europäischer Regionalpolitik in Deutschland“, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 8(2), S. 130-146.
Social Security
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Fenge, Robert; Peglow, François (2018): "Decomposition of demographic effects on the german pension system", The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, S. 61-76. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Beatrice Scheubel (2016): „Pensions and fertility: back to the roots. Bismarck’s Pension Scheme and the first demographic transition“, Journal of Population Economics, S. 93-139.
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2010): „Mixing Bismarck and child pensions: an optimal taxation approach”, Journal of Population Economics 23, S. 805-823. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2010): „Public Pension Systems and Distortions of Intra-EU Mobility: The Lodge Test“, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 9 (2), S. 263 -275.
- Fenge, Robert, Silke Übermesser, Martin Werding (2006): „On the Optimal Timing of Implicit Social Security Taxes Over the Life Cycle“, Finanzarchiv 62, S. 68-107.
- Fenge, Robert, Volker Meier (2005): „Pensions and fertility incentives”, Canadian Journal of Economics 38, S. 28-48.
- Fenge, Robert, Martin Werding (2004): „Ageing and the Tax Implied in Public Pension Schemes: Simulations for Selected OECD Countries“, Fiscal Studies 25, S. 159-200.
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2001): „Compulsory Savings: Efficiency and Redistribution. On the interaction of Means Tested Basic Income and Public Pensions", International Tax and Public Finance 8, S. 633-648.
- Fenge, Robert (1995): „Pareto-efficiency of the Pay-As-You-Go Pension System with Intragenerational Fairness”, Finanzarchiv 52, S. 357-363.
- Fenge, Robert, Robert Schwager (1995): „Pareto-improving transition from a pay-as-you-go to a fully funded pension system in a model with differing earning abilities", Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 115, S. 367-376.
- Fenge, Robert, Pierre Pestieau (2005): Social Security and Early Retirement, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press.
- Fenge, Robert, Andrea Gebauer, Christian Holzner, Volker Meier, Martin Werding (2003): Alterssicherungssysteme im internationalen Vergleich: Finanzierung, Leistungen, Besteuerung, ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Bd. 10, München.
- Fenge, Robert (1997): Effizienz der Alterssicherung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 149, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
Contributions to Collected Volumes
- Fenge, Robert (2017): "Der Mortalitätseffekt auf das deutsche Rentensystem und eine automatische Anpassung des Renteneintrittsalters", in T. Mayer (Hrsg.), Die transformative Macht der Demografie, Springer VS: Wiesbaden, S. 501- 512. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Georges de Menil, Pierre Pestieau (2008): „Introduction: Pension Systems in Europe and the United States: The Demographic Challenge“, in: R. Fenge, G. de Menil und P. Pestieau (Hrsg.), Pension Strategies in Europe and the United States, MIT Press: Cambridge (Mass.), S. 1-23.
Policy Articles
- Fenge, Robert (2012): „Vorsorge gegen Altersarmut", ifo Schnelldienst 23, S.3-4. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2006): „Der Rentengewinn der Generation Enkellos“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20. April 2006. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2006): „Generation Enkellos und Rentenbeitragsrabatt für Eltern“ (mit Jakob von Weizsäcker), ifo Schnelldienst 5, S. 11-18. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert (2003): „Generationengerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen”, ifo Schnelldienst 14, S. 8-13. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert (2001): „Institutional Incentives for Early Retirement in the EU Member States", CESifo Forum 2, S. 58-61. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert (2001): „Vorgezogener Ruhestand: Anreizwirkungen aktueller Rentenreformvorschläge", ifo Schnelldienst 23, S.17-22. (Download)
Working Papers
- Fenge, Robert, Beatrice Scheubel (2014): „Pensions and fertility: back to the roots - The introduction of Bismarck's pension scheme and the European fertility decline”, European Central Bank Working Paper 1734 (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Jakob von Weizsäcker (2008): „Public Pensions and Intra-EU Mobility: An Unfinished Agenda“, BRUEGEL Working Paper Nr. 2008/02, Brüssel. (Download)
- Fenge, Robert, Martin Werding (2003): „Ageing and Fiscal Imbalances across Generations: Concepts of Measurement", CESifo Working Paper Nr. 842, München.