
Topics and Dates

Since 2022, we have been organising an (online) seminar on various issues around human behaviour - first in conncection with CEBS (which unfortunately had to be discontinued). In the seminar, external guests, students and staff present and discuss their work in a relaxed atmosphere. Below, you can find a list of previous speakers and upcoming events.

If you want to join the group, please just write an e-mail to Philipp Wichardt!

Announcement 07.05.2025:  Prof. Ariel Rubinstein, Tel Aviv University and NYU. We look forward to hosting a living legend of economics in our seminar!

Announcement 04.02.2025: Prof. Adrian Bruhin, University of Lausanne, "Understanding Mechanisms of Persistence in Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from a large-scale Field Experiment". We look forward to an interesting presentation!

06.12.2024: Prof. Armin Schmutzler, University of Zurich, "Providing Innovation Incentives for the Ecological Transition". We are grateful to Armin Schmutzler for an interesting and instructive IO talk!

01.10.2024: Prof. Luis Santos-Pinto, University of Lausanne, "The Bright and the Dark Side of Overconfidence: Theory and Empirical Evidence". Many thanks to Luis Santos-Pinto for an instructive and entertaining talk about his research on overconficence! 

25.06.2024Prof. Sandrine Toussaert, Oxford University,"Predicting Social Science Results: A Review and Meta-analysis". We thank Sandrine Toussaert for an intriguing methodological presentation on the importance of forecasts of scientific results!  

04.06.2024Prof. Joseph Vecci, Gothenburg University, "Female empowerment and male backlash: Experimental evidence from India". We are grateful for an enjoable presentation and interesting insights on how men react to women receiving empowerment support!

08.05.2024Prof. Roel van Veldhuizen, Lund University, "Gender Differences in Tournament Choices: Risk Preferences, Overconfidence, or Competitiveness?". We thank Roal van Veldhuizen for an interesting and enjoyable presentation of his resarch!

04.04.2024Prof. Bengt Söderlund, Lund University, "The Importance of Business Travel for Trade: Evidence from the Liberalization of the Soviet Airspace". We are grateful to Bengt Söderlund for an instructive introduction into the history of economic globalisation and his work on the topic! 

20.03.2024Prof. Pol Campos-Mercade, Lund University. We are grateful to  Pol Campos-Mercarde for an intriguing review of his research on the effects of monetary incentives in connection with covid vaccinations! 

17.01.2024Prof. Marta Serra-Garcia, Rady School of Management UCSD. We thank Marta Serra-Garcia for an entertaining and instructive introduction to her research on lying! 

03.01.2024Prof. Robert Sugden, University of East Anglia. We thank Robert Sugden for an intriguing and entertaining presentaion of the idea of an "Inner Rational Agent" in connection with models in behavioural economics and nudging!  

30.10.2023: Prof. Mattie Toma, University of Warwick, "Do Optional Information Policies Increase Equity? Evidence From Two Large-Scale Grading Experiments". We are grateful to Mattie Toma for an interesting presentation of her study on the effects of having the option to have grades only shown as 'pass' during covid!

22.8.2023:  Prof. Roman Frigg, London School of Economics (Philosophy). We thank Roman Frigg for an interesting and instructive presentation on scientific representation! There was a lot to be learned about models and their relation to reality.

21.4.2023: Prof. Kyle Nash, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta (Canada). We thank Kyle Nash for an instrucitve and enjoyable presentaion about effects of  goal conflicts on behaviour! 

22.2.2023: Dr. Anna Felnhofer, Clinical Psychology, University of Vienna. We are grateful for an intriguing presentation on "Social-Exclusion" and how corresponding effects can be studied in a VR context!

11.1.2023: Dr. Kemper and Tobias Schütze, University of Rsotock, continued the discussion of christmas presents.  

21.12.2022: Tobias Schütze, University of Rostock, oranised a session on "Weihnachtsgeschenke - Ist das effizient?". 

30.11.2022:  Dustin Liebetrau and Elena Saval, University of Rostock "Nudging - Macht es einen Unterschied, wenn wir drüber reden?". 

06.09.2022: Prof. M. Wilkinson, Auckland University, "The Ethics of Public Health Paternalism". We thank Martin Wilkinson for an intriguing talk! 

30.06.2022: Dr. Fynn Kemper, University of Rostock, "Mehr ist besser. ... oder?".

16.06.2022: Prof. H. Reis, Rochester University, presentation about his research on the determinants of stable relationships and the relevance of responsiveness. We are grateful to Harry Reis for fascinating 90 minutes about his intriguing research!

02.06.2022: Tobias Schütze, University of Rostock, "On Risk Measures".

19.05.2022  We thank Mr. van Innis, University of Rostock, who introduced us to "Juristische Aspekte zum Nudging" (legal aspects of nudging).