Ausgewählte Publikationen


Neuberger, Doris, Beretta, Edoardo (2022): Narrative Ökonomik: Europa als „Transferunion“ oder „Risikogemeinschaft“? Eine empirische Analyse, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 71(2),

Beretta, Edoardo, Neuberger, Doris (2022): The Inflationary Potential of the Historic 2021 SDR Allocation, The Economists’ Voice


Beretta, Edoardo, Neuberger, Doris (2021): "The War on Cash: Institutional Hostility and Covid-19", Cato Journal, 41(3), 

Fenge, Robert, Friese, Max (2021): „Should unemployment insurance be centralized in a state union?”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics,

Fenge, Robert (2021): „Warum eine Schuldenbremse sinnvoll ist”, ifo Schnelldienst 9/2021, S. 70-72.

Gehrke, Britta, Hochmuth, Brigitte (2021): "Counteracting unemployment in crises: Non-linear effects of short-time work policy", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume 123, Issue 1, doi: 10.1111/sjoe.12395

Neuberger, Doris (2021): "Verbraucherkreditzinsen und gesetzliche Wuchergrenze in der Niedrigzinsphase", VuR Verbraucher und Recht, 11,

Weißbach, Rafael, Wied, Dominik (2021): "Truncating the exponential with a uniform distribution", Statistical Papers

Willert, Bianca (2021): "Masters and Slaves: A Matching Model of Forced Labor with Heterogeneous Workers", CESifo Economic Studies, ifab011,


Adämmer, Philipp, Schüssler, Rainer Alexander (2020): "Forecasting the Equity Premium: Mind the News!", Review of Finance, Volume 24, Issue 6,

Beckmann, Joscha, Koop, Gary, Korobilis, Dimitris, Schüssler, Rainer Alexander (2020): "Exchange rate predictability and dynamic Bayesian learning", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Volume 35, Issue 4,

Demange, Gabrielle, Fenge, Robert, Übelmesser, Silke (2020): “Competition in the quality of higher education: the impact of student mobility”, International Tax and Public Finance 27, S. 1224– 1263,

Neuberger, Doris, Reifner, Udo (2020): "Systemic Usury and the European Consumer Credit Directive", Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung,
Bd. 89, Heft 1,

Rauscher, Michael (2020): "Demographic Change and Climate Change", Environment and Development Economics 27, 5-20,

Rauscher, Michael, Willert, Bianca (2020): "Modern Slavery, Corruption, and Hysteresis", European Journal of Political Economy, 64, 101917,!


Frahm, Gabriel, Jonen, Alexander, Schüssler Rainer (2019): "The Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle", International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Volume 22, Issue 5,

Neuberger, Doris, Hellwig, Martin (2019): "Banken. Aufsicht in Zeiten der Dauerkrise, in: Die Akte BaFin, Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende",

Neuberger, Doris (2019): "Kann Karl Marx die Finanzkrise 2007/2008 erklären? Eine Einordnung der Marxistischen Geld- und Kredittheorie.", In: Kern, U., Neuberger, D. (eds) Karl Marx. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

Rauscher, Michael (2019): "Stable International Environmental Agreements: Large Coalitions that Achieve Little", Games 10(4), 47,


Fenge, Robert, und Peglow, François (2018): "Decomposition of demographic effects on the german pension system", The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 12, S. 61-76.

Gehrke, Britta, Weber, Enzo (2018): "Identifying asymmetric effects of labor market reforms", European Economic Review, Volume 110, doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.07.006

Gehrke, Britta (2018): "Fiscal rules and unemployment", Macroeconomic Dynamics, Volume 23, Issue 8, doi: 10.1017/S1365100518000044


Gehrke, Britta, Yao, Fang (2017): "Are supply shocks important for real exchange rates? A fresh view from the frequency-domain", Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 79, doi: 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2017.09.008


Baller, Almut, Gehrke, Britta, Lechthaler, Wolfgang, Merkl, Christian (2016): "Does short-time work save jobs? A business cycle analysis", European Economic Review, Volume 84, doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.05.007

Beckmann, Joscha, Schüssler, Rainer (2016): "Forecasting exchange rates under parameter and model uncertainty", Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 60,

Fenge, Robert, Scheubel, Beatrice (2016): „Pensions and fertility: back to the roots. Bismarck’s Pension Scheme and the first demographic transition“, Journal of Population Economics 30, S. 93- 139.

Schüssler, Rainer, Trede Mark (2016): "Constructing Minimum-Width Confidence Bands", Economics Letters, Volume 145,


Voß, Sebastian, Weißbach, Rafael (2014): "A score-test on measurement errors in rating transition times", Journal of Econometrics, Volume 180, Issue 1,


Becker, Daniel, Rauscher, Michael (2013): "Fiscal Competition and Growth when Capital Is Imperfectly Mobile", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 211-233,


Munk, Axel, Pflüger, Rafael (2011): "1 — α Equivariant Confidence Rules for Convex Alternatives are α/2–Level Tests—With Applications to the Multivariate Assessment of Bioequivalence", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 94, Issue 448,

Kim, Yongdai, Lancelot, James, Weißbach, Rafael (2011): "Bayesian analysis of multistate event history data: beta-Dirichlet process prior", Biometrika, Volume 99, Issue 1,


Weißbach, Rafael, Walter, Ronja (2010): "A likelihood ratio test for stationarity of rating transitions", Journal of Econometrics, Volume 155, Issue 2,

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