Prof. Dr. Michael Rauscher

Research Areas
  • Environmental  and Resource Economics
  • International Economics
  • Economic Geography
  • Open-Economy Public Finance
  • Economic Growth
  • Modern Slavery and Forced Labour
  • Social Determinants of Economic Behaviour
Short CV


1989                     Dr. rer. pol. (summa cum laude), University of Konstanz

1996                    Habilitation and Venia Legendi for Economics, University of Kiel


Professional Career and Positions

1983 - 1995         Researcher, TU Berlin (1983), U Mannheim (1984) and U Konstanz (1985-1990),
                              Assistant Professor, U Kiel (1990-1995)

since 1996           Professor of International Economics, University of Rostock

since 2003           Research Professor, ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich

2011-2014           Lead Author, 5th IPCC Assessment Report on Climate Change (Working Group III)

2012- 2014          Dean, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Rostock

Selected Publications

Demographic Change and Climate Change, Environment and Development Economics 27, 2020, 5-20.

Modern Slavery, Corruption, and Hysteresis, European Journal of Political Economy, 64, 2020, 101917 (with Bianca Willert).

Stable International Environmental Agreements: Large Coalitions that Achieve Little, Games 10(4), 2019, 47.

Fiscal Competition and Growth When Capital Is Imperfectly Mobile, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115 (1), 2013, 211-233 (with Daniel Becker).

Tax Competition, Capital Mobility and Innovation in the Public Sector, German Economic Review 8, 2007, 18-40.

International Trade, Foreign Investment, and the Environment. In: K-G Mäler, J Vincent, eds., Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol 3, Amsterdam: Elsevier (North-Holland Handbooks in Economics), 2005, 1403-1456.

Economic Growth and Tax-Competing Leviathans, International Tax and Public Finance 12, 2005, 457–474.

International Trade, Factor Movements, and the Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Clarendon) 1997.

Environmental Regulation and the Location of Polluting Industries, International Tax and Public Finance 2, 1995, 229–244.

On Ecological Dumping. Oxford Economic Papers 46, 1994, 822-840.

OPEC and the Price of Petroleum: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence, Heidelberg: Springer, 1989 (Dissertation).

Trade with an Exhaustible Resource when Demand Reactions Are Lagged, European Economic Review 31, 1987, 1597-1604.


Bachelor level

  • Basics of Economics (1st semester)
  • Globalisation of the Economy
  • Introduction to Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Foundations of Population Economics 
  • Project Seminars

Master level

  • Advanced Environmental and Resource Economics
  • International Trade Theory and Policy
  • Dyamic Models in Economics
  • Labour Economics (until 2020)
  • Econometrics (2020)
  • Seminars and Research Seminars